案例標題 : CDIS船舶數位顯示面板解決方案 / ECDIS Marine LCD Solution

案例類別 : 交通

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我方在硬體船舶數位看板規劃上皆符合DNV認證規範,溫度-15º~55ºC、濕度為5%~95%,以符合海事船舶應用環境。也達到EMC抗電磁波干擾標準,防止電子儀器產生互相干擾,再來是因船舶在行進間,風浪容易造成震動擺盪,其設備也須通過0.7g@DNV2.4 (Class A)考驗,範圍在3Hz ~100Hz之間。最後是IP65 防水防塵規範,運用其全平面屏幕一體成形的概念,減少了液體及灰塵造成的危害。
軟體方面導入ECDIS電子海圖是將紙海圖的資訊諸如海岸線、水深、助航設施等數位化,經由特定系統平臺,在液晶螢幕上顯示。利用全球定位系統所提供的經緯度資訊,可以將船位精確的顯示在電子海圖中。電子海圖顯示與資訊系統被認為是繼 ARPA / RADAR 整合導航系統後之後另一項電子航儀的技術創新。
Winmate Inc. is committed to providing continuous quality service and proven solutions for applications in shipbuilding industry. By means of cooperation with Singapore Shipping Company, we provide hardware and software integrated navigation system in compliance with European and national regulations.
Designed for maritime applications, our bridge digital signage system complies with DNV certification standards, and operates in ambient temperatures of -15 º to 55 º C, humidity of 5% to 95%. The system also complies with EMC regulations to prevent interference with other electronic equipment. In maritime applications, wind and waves easily cause vibration; therefore to guarantee anti-vibration the equipment shall be certified with 0.7g@DNV2.4 (Class A), the range of 3Hz ~ 100Hz. Finally, the IP65 waterproof and dustproof rating is ensured by the design concept of the equipment: the screen is made of a full-screen one-piece form reducing the harm caused by liquid and dust.
On the software side system features imported ECDIS electronic chart which is displayed on a liquid crystal screen via a specific system platform and provides information on paper charts such as coastline, water depth, navigational aids, etc. Using GPS latitude and longitude information provided by the system, the ship's position can be accurately displayed on the electronic navigation charts. The Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is considered to be another technological innovation after the ARPA / RADAR integrated navigation system.
Through the hardware and software integration, the bridge or the ship's powerhouse can be safe and fast, provide all the required information, and effectively issue instructions to complete the task.

設備提供商: 融程電訊股份有限公司整合實施商:Data respons

2015年融程電訊引進ECDIS電子海圖顯示與信息系統,運用在各類船舶系列產品中。透過全球顏色校正規範下顯示訊息,並且針對在白天、黃昏、夜晚在不同照明條件下,精確地顯示於液晶螢幕上,EX: 紅色為表示行進航線,白天為橘紅色,黃昏則顯示正紅色,晚上顯示為暗紅色。融程電為符合RGB 256階之顯色標準,都需再廠內利用校色光儀棒,進行無數次反覆調教及確認已符合ECDIS規範。而在產品外觀設計上也有調光旋鈕控制背板(0~100%),可手動調整亮度,配合當地環境與天氣概況。產品後蓋IO上備有多種船舶規範之特殊IO COM 接頭才能與船上其他設備相連。電源的設定上,為防止因風浪過大或是突如其來的電擊造成的電力問題,特別在產品導入隔離電源之設計,來保障生命及產品的安全。
(1.)須符合IEC 62376 ECS標準,並設計使用於監視船舶相關設備上
(3.) 船舶數位看板為全觸碰面板
(4.) 產品裝置上設計防短路及防爆裝置
(1.) 產品取得國際海事認證規範DNV (挪威船舶認證,現為DNV•GL )
(2.) 產品全面導入ECDIS電子海圖(Electronic Navigation Chart;ENC)是將紙海圖的資訊諸如海岸線、水深、助航設施等數位化,經由特定系統平臺,在液晶螢幕上顯示。
(3.)加入AIS 船舶自動識別系統(Automatic identification system ),讓船舶可快速安全的進出港口。
(4.)通過IACS E-10國際船級社協會(International Association of Classification Societies)

台灣數位看板多媒體聯盟 Digital Signage Multimedia Alliance Taiwan (DSMA Taiwan) 
Design 藍訊科技