案例標題 : 零售業的互動式瀏覽以及數位看板-Sporthaus Schuster德國體育用品專賣店

案例類別 : 零售

發佈時間 : 2017-05-16

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零售業的互動式瀏覽以及數位看板-Sporthaus Schuster德國體育用品專賣店
Interactive Navigation and Signage in Retail -Sporthaus Schuster, sport shop in Germany
"我們選擇了建碁的媒體播放器,因為我們有我們的客戶所需求之最高的堅固性和可靠性。由於有優越的經驗,我們從過去的經驗中的學習,因此這是一個容易作出的決定。"Klaus Trox, friendlyway的CEO
Sporthaus Schuster是一家運動用品店,其總部設在德國慕尼黑。它是著名於有著運動化的外觀和感覺。現今公司總部擁有 500平方米的購物空間,讓買東西變成如同參予一個實際的體育盛會。隨著陡峭的路徑,總高度25米,是為其獨特的結構:因此體育商店如同是建立在山中。
隨著裝修計畫的進行Sporthaus Schuster決定將數位看板加到其零售概念中。數位看板讓零售正成為一個真正的趨勢,不斷推陳出新,因為零售商了解互動的好處,而不是靜態的標誌標牌。數位看板可以吸引客戶的注意力,並有直接影響的購買行為和加強店內的經驗。營幕上的內容可以從中控處很容易地改變和維護,保持最新的促銷而不花任何金錢。這一切都導引出一點,那就是增加銷售額。採用正確的數位看板投資,可以讓一個商店非常成功。
Sporthaus Schuster is a sport shop in Germany with its headquarters in Munich. It is famous for its competence and authentic look and feel. Today shopping at the renovated company's headquarters with 500 square meters of shopping ground turns into an actual sporting event. With a steep footpath, 25 metres in total height, and its unique architecture: the sports store is built up like a genuine mountain – the valley below, the peak above.
With the renovations Sporthaus Schuster decided to integrate Digital Signage into its retail concept. Digital Signage in retail is becoming a real trend nowadays, because retailers understand the benefits of interactive signage as opposed to static signage. Digital Signage can attract a customer’s attention and have a direct influence on the buying behaviour and in-store experience. Content on the screens can be easily changed and maintained from one central point, keeping the promotions up to date without spending any money on printing. It all comes down to one thing and that is to increase sales. A store can be very successful with the correct Digital Signage investment.

設備提供商: AOPEN、整合實施商等:

終端使用者:Sporthaus Schuster

進入Schuster購物真正的挑戰就是尋找出自己要的商品之路境。客戶試圖找到一些商品時會向員工問路。通常,顧客不得不圍繞著店中觀看紙標牌,並會逐漸失去興趣,當他找不到需要的產品或服務。因此,他可能會走出不進行購買。為了更好地服務客戶,增加銷售,Sporthaus Schuster決定提供客戶互動的信息點,讓他們能夠迅速搜索產品,品牌和服務,並找到自己的路。
Finding your way in a large store like Schuster becomes a real challenge when it is not displayed correctly. Customers trying to find something will ask store employees for directions. Often the customer has to walk around the building trying to understand the paper signage and will gradually lose interest in the product or service he needs. As a result, he may walk out without making a purchase. In order to service its customers better and increase sales, the Sporthaus Schuster decided to provide the customer with interactive information points allowing them to quickly search through the long list of products, brands, and services, and find their way around the store.

Friendlyway是觸摸式KIOSK、數位看板解決方案和際網路KIOSK軟體的領導供應商,提供解決方案供Sporthaus Schuster使用,負責施工和管理。Friendlyway提Store Navigator是一個針對零售商店之快速簡便的整合型解決方案,Store Navigator更容易讓客戶在商店中找到產品,並只需要極少的維護費用和時間。另一個原因選擇 friendlyway是因為提供了完整的系統和先進支援技術。
Friendlyway推出兩款52寸互動觸控式垂直顯示器。客戶可以通過點選任何按鈕在營幕開始搜索。例如,按一下品牌的按鈕,他或她會看到列出所有的品牌按字母順序顯示。現在,客戶可以選擇的品牌,並且應用程序將顯示該品牌的產品列表,包括於店中的位置。該系統還可以讓客戶使用虛擬鍵盤輸入關鍵詞在搜索部分。該應用程序允許客戶進行切換英語和德語。當觸摸螢幕不使用時,應用程序會自動返回到首頁。此外2001年飛利浦42寸顯示器已安裝由建碁數位引擎DE45- PRO和friendlyway軟體。這種顯示器可顯示路徑的描述,促銷以及循環廣告。所有系統可從一個中心點進行管理,因此很容易維護和控制,節省寶貴的時間。

聯絡人資料:Amy Huang,
amyhuang@aopen.com, +886-2-77101195

台灣數位看板多媒體聯盟 Digital Signage Multimedia Alliance Taiwan (DSMA Taiwan) 
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